His Glory Shall Be Seen From Coast To Coast


Our vision is to network, equip, and release the Spirit of revival. This will be through teaching, training and activation.


We value:

Walking in a culture of honour

Walking with integrity 

Walking in character and power

Honouring Mothers and Fathers who have gone before us

Equipping the next generation to be world changers 

Seeing everyone step into their God-given destiny


A young revivalist, father of 3 and someone who has a desire to preach the full gospel with demonstrations of the Kingdom. Andrew has a burning passion for the lost and wants people to encounter Jesus and a vision to see stadiums filled and hospitals emptied. This will happen through training and equipping a generation of sold out, laid down lovers of Jesus to share the gospel in every sphere of society. 

From a history of addiction, poverty, unhealthy relationships, and partying from a young age, Andrew believed he could only do things independently. In 2007 he said, "Jesus, I'm at the end of myself. If you don't show up, I'm dead". And of course, Jesus showed up and Andrew has been developing his relationship with Jesus ever since and has an anointing to preach the Gospel to see people saved, see people healed through the mighty hand of God through the power of Holy Spirit, see demons flee, and see the Body of Christ as a family. 

Andrew believes now, more than ever that it's time to plunder hell and populate heaven. Andrew is now a missionary with Equip Canada and has the opportunity to raise his own financial support so he can share the Gospel, travel the country preaching and evangelizing, and support his family (3 children). He has graduated from Christ For All Nations (CFAN) Fire Camp and now schedules his own events to see Jesus move. 

To support Andrew and his ministry please click the link below

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